Shutdown opens chance for news dump, drinking

Shutdown opens chance for news dump, drinking

Oct. 1: Rachel Maddow reports on some important news stories that didn't get attention while Americans were focused on whet...

Shutdown exposes GOP fissures

Shutdown exposes GOP fissures

Oct. 1: Chris Hayes talks about day one of the shutdown with Press Secretary Jay Carney, Senator Chris Murphy and Congressw...

Obamacare rolls out--glitches and all

Obamacare rolls out--glitches and all

Oct. 1: On the day Obamacare rolled out, Chris Hayes talks with Doctor Kavita Patel, a primary care physician who worked on...

GOP acting like 'lemmings with suicide vests'

GOP acting like 'lemmings with suicide vests'

Oct. 1: Chris Hayes talks with two prominent Republicans about the House GOP's failed strategy to shut down the government ...

Republicans face reality on shutdown day 1

Republicans face reality on shutdown day 1

Oct. 1: Chris Hayes reports on day one of the U.S. government shutdown and the Republican reality of shutdown.  

Affordable health care's long time coming

Affordable health care's long time coming

Oct. 1: The fight for affordable health care has been decades in the making, spanning several presidencies and with plenty ...

Obamacare kid reacts to reality of ACA

Obamacare kid reacts to reality of ACA

Oct. 1: Chris Hayes talks with Marcelas Owens, who stood next to Obama when he signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, abou...

Republicans in denial over shutdown severity

Republicans in denial over shutdown severity

Oct. 1: Congressman Scott Rigell, R-Va., who represents the nation's largest military district, talks with Rachel Maddow ab...

GOP reprises Eastwood's empty chair stunt

GOP reprises Eastwood's empty chair stunt

Oct. 1: Rachel Maddow points out that congressional Republicans rejected the offer of a conference committee 18 times befor...

GOP not finished playing games with shutdown

GOP not finished playing games with shutdown

Oct. 1: Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, the top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about the H...

Pro-shutdown GOP ignorant to lessons of '95

Pro-shutdown GOP ignorant to lessons of '95

Oct. 1: Karen Tumulty, national political reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about House Republican...

Shutdown sets off GOP war?

Shutdown sets off GOP war?

Oct. 1: President Obama and the Democrats are holding firm and keeping up the pressure on John Boehner to hold a simple up-...

Where is Ted Cruz?

Where is Ted Cruz?

Oct. 1: Before the government shutdown Sen. Ted Cruz was everywhere. But on day one, he kept a low profile until the king o...

'Panda-monium' about government shutdown

'Panda-monium' about government shutdown

Oct. 1: In Trenders Tonight, the PandaCam at the Smithsonian went dark, acting as a microcosm of all the entities hurt by g...

The radical Republican attempt to defund Obamacare

The radical Republican attempt to defund Obamacare

Oct. 1: Election rejection influences the GOP decision to shut down the government for the first time in 17 years. Big mone...

US military suffers cuts under GOP shutdown

US military suffers cuts under GOP shutdown

Oct. 1: Rachel Maddow reports on how the House Republican shutdown of the American government is hurting military members a...

Market place exchanges roll out

Market place exchanges roll out

Oct. 1: Millions of Americans visited the online marketplaces to begin enrolling for health insurance. While Republicans ha...

Obamacare exchanges open across the country

Obamacare exchanges open across the country

Oct. 1: Despite glitches, over two million people have visited to learn more about signing up for Obamacare....

Obama shares successes of Obamacare

Obama shares successes of Obamacare

Oct. 1: Since Day 1 on MSNBC, Ed Schultz has fought to help everyday Americans to receive the health care they deserve. In ...

GOP Rep admits Obamacare error on his website

GOP Rep admits Obamacare error on his website

Oct. 1: Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kansas, talks with MSNBC's Mara Schiavocampo about the implementation of health care exchange...